A Week Ago
I wrote this a week ago:
I've noticed that Thursdays are usually
the day that I write. I have been doing well.
TMI-- I've been tight when having sex
lately. I wonder if it's because of the diet. I hope that it has
gotten my unusually high discharge to get to a normal level-- and get
me to a normal level. There are some days I worry about my body and
if I need more calcium and all these other vitamins. Then, I remember
the side-effects and remind myself that I'm doing well. I might even
need to do as many cleansings as I do and on top of that, sometimes
garlic makes me a little faint. Not sure what that is. It didn't do
that before and I usually love it.
I like that I still get to flirt with
Joe while settling into a relationship with JZ. It's refreshing. I
sent him photos of me after the 5k last weekend. He said I looked
I feel badly for making such a big deal
that no one has noticed a 15lb weight loss-- but even I admit, it's
really tough to see. I just didn't want to lose weight as fast I did
last time.
I ate at a restaurant today. I really
have to watch that-- I get sick on the smallest amounts of flour now.
I know very quickly when I eat something that doesn't agree with me.
Last weekend, it definitely happened and I slept for hours. I went to
the bathroom immediately after we had gotten something to eat, then I
was shaking, and then I slept. I kept apologizing to JZ-- and he was
fine. I can't believe he wanted to take a walk after we did a 5k in
the morning. We walked the next day, though.
I have been so stressed about work that
the gym went to the wayside. I went to the gym yesterday though and
it was great. I did strength training and felt like I hadn't done it
in a long time-- not just two weeks. I'm glad that I could get it in,
though. I like feeling a little stretch in my muscles, especially the
ones I don't think I use. I do!
I've been a battle over money with an
ex client. She's telling me and the collections agency that she's
called insurance and the department of public health commissioner on
me. I guess she's telling them that I care more about money than I do
about the service to my clients. I have only stuck to-- “It's in
the contract.” She calls me a liar-- says that I'm making up that
she made appointments and didn't show. What the fuck do I have to do
with that? I was the one who showed up and she was not. After two or
three cancellations, I called her before her last appointment and
reminded her of it. She's like a child-- finding any little thing to
weasel out of. She admitted she needed to pay for the sessions she
attended-- and then said she wasn't paying for the missed
appointments but didn't understand why she needed to pay for other
services that I did on her behalf-- like colleague consultations.
UGH. She thinks that the time I wasted on waiting for her should go
to the times when I did something on her behalf. That's not how it
works. And she's refusing to pay both so what does it matter? I asked
the collection agency straight out-- is it worth answering these
accusations? I feel like I'm defending myself against what was agreed
upon in the contract. And I don't want to deal with her. There is
this sense of satisfaction that I get that she is such a fucking
awful person and she is having her credit ruined by this. And if it
goes to court--- oh man. The consequences to her could be major. Who
wants to have an employee of a nonprofit have a small claims court
action against them for not paying on a contract? What a fucking nut?
And I'm glad that I'm dealing with this
well. I would not have done this years ago. And I'm glad I chose the
collection agency I did because... damn, they are great and they are
ruthless and they are with me every step of the way. I talked to the
owner this morning-- consulting on what to do next. I said that if
all else fails, the lowest I'll ever consider going on her debt is
$1000 (it's a little over $1300 right now). She wants to pay about a
third of that-- and I would get 2/3s of that after paying
collections. My supervisor is greedy and he likes to get all the
money that he can. I like to get the most amount of money without
having to do much out of my way. So, he advised me to go to small
claims without the collection agency. I want to go with the
collection agency even if they get more of the money, because I don't
want to deal with this woman's anger. It still freaks me out even
though it's irrational. I think it freaks me out the most because it
is irrational.
There was an issue with the neighbor
and I was scared to be around my place for a while. But there seems
to be something going on with those neighbors. They are selling their
house. Damn I'm good. LOL. I don't see their cars there at the same
time-- it's either hers or his, not usually both. So, I think
something came about. And I still think of the issue-- I still think
of what to tell him. Things like, “Do you really want to wait
around for some bitch to grow the fuck up? Do you want to see what
she's like when there's a conflict with your kid and another kid at
school? How do you see that playing out? You're unhappy and this
relationship is unfulfilling. Just leave. It'll be better for you to
have the fun you wanted to. I know you miss all of your kids and I'm
willing to write a letter to whoever to make sure that you get your
kids, NO MATTER WHAT, but you really need to let this woman go
because she knows your kid is your weakness and she's very
controlling. This is abuse. She had you to herself for two years but
you're coming out of it and she might not be a part of your future,
except for with your kid.” I'm surprised that even with a roommate,
he's moving out.
My ex from 4 years ago got in contact
with me. We hung out for a weekend. He felt badly that he let me go
but the difference between me now and me 4 years ago is vast. I'm not
wound tightly, I'm not offended as easily, I'm more laid back, I have
weekends and most nights to myself. I have time to myself and some
worries but really not a lot. I'm a better person emotionally and
getting on track financially. I'm happy for it all! I wouldn't have
wanted to bring anyone through my darkest days or through the
transition to the private practice.
The other thing is that he left in the
middle of the night and was acting shady after I got back from Mexico
4 years ago. I just assumed he had cheated. I guess he hadn't but he
still was acting in a way, even after an ultimatum, that he didn't
want to be in a relationship. And the ultimatum wasn't anything
extreme-- it was just like-- hey, I'd like to go out more often and
have you spend the night more often. He complained about gas and
wanting to save up for a house-- so, we were done. He couldn't meet
some simple demands that would mean he was in a relationship. Later,
he asked me to sleep with him-- like 6 months after our break up--
and I asked why we had broken up. He said something about he knew he
was awesome and I thought he was awesome and he didn't need anyone
around him admiring him for his awesomeness. Yeah, b.s. I was very
glad at that moment that I had broke up with him as well as turned
him down because I had already been down that road-- he was not new
land to plow.